Saved In America

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Good People

Sir Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The Bible itself backs up this statement in James 4:17, which reads, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him, it is sin.” These two points both emphasize the importance of good people acting on behalf of others to oppose the ongoing success or triumph of evil. Thankfully, when it comes to the evil of human trafficking, Saved in America has taken this mission to heart and has been working to find missing children before they are victimized since 2014. In other words, they are good people acting on behalf of victims to counteract the evil that exists in this world in general and in particular the horrors of the human trafficking industry. 

Missing Kids Are at The Most Risk

Missing kids who have run away from home are at the greatest risk of being victimized by the human trafficking industry. Statistics have proven this fact and found that of those who run away, ⅓ of them will be approached by a trafficker within 48 hours. This means that Saved in America, along with law enforcement officials, are facing a time crunch to find the missing kids before the bad guys. If they are successful, they can prevent them from experiencing some of the trauma associated with this situation. Other times, the kids are already traumatized and need purposeful rehabilitation to go on living productive lives. 

The Rescue Isn’t The End

The group of volunteers who are all licensed private investigators work in conjunction with local and federal law enforcement officials to find missing or exploited children as quickly as possible. When they are rescued, SIA serves as a consultant service helping the families find safe houses for the rescued kids as well as getting them the counseling and rehabilitation they need after experiencing such a situation. In addition, they help families find the right kind of legal help to hopefully see these predators convicted of their crimes and put behind bars. It is a group effort, but the work that SIA does in the community has enabled them to work in step with other organizations to help these kids, doing the good that needs to be done so evil will not triumph.