Darrell Mansfield

Darrell Mansfield, a friend of Saved in America and a member of the Blues Hall of Fame, wrote a song for Saved in America about the horrors of the human trafficking industry. This video shows Mansfield performing the song, which features sections of testimony from real-life victims of the industry who tell their story of tragedy turned to triumph.

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Brandie P

Founded in 1921 in Oakland, California, the Soroptimist group has over 25,000 members across the Pacific Rim, Latin America, and North America. Formed when women were not permitted to be part of service organizations, the group comprises women working to help other women be their best. Soroptimist is loosely translated from Latin to read “best for women.”

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Brandie P
Anti-Human Trafficking

Saved in America’s founder Joseph Travers had the pleasure of addressing a Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland and North County Anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative meeting according to North County Daily Star. This group is an international women’s organization that brings together professionals and business women to improve the lives of girls and women throughout their local communities and all over the world.

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Brandie P
Rancho Bernardo

The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Club is made up of local business, professional, and civic leaders in the San Diego area. They meet in the mornings, thus giving them their name, and dedicate themselves to “Perfecting the Practice of Service Above Self.” The group is committed to learning more about their community and what needs to exist that should be a point of focus for their efforts.

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Brandie P
Good People

Sir Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The Bible itself backs up this statement in James 4:17, which reads, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him, it is sin.” These two points both emphasize the importance of good people acting on behalf of others to oppose the ongoing success or triumph of evil.

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Brandie P
Child Saved

Globally, there are more than two million children worldwide who have been victimized by human sex trafficking, with nearly 100,000 being from America. Sadly, of that number, less than 2% of these victims are rescued. This evil is growing throughout the world, even in America, which is the most blessed nation in the world. Thankfully, Saved in America is fighting back against this immense threat and has personally rescued over 270 kids to date,

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Brandie P
America Trends II

Part II of America Trends with Amanda Fuller looks further into the work Saved in America is doing as they fight back against the ever-growing human trafficking industry. The conversation begins with Amanda talking about how kidnapping used to look, the milk carton kids who were taken from their families, often off the streets or in stores, never to be seen again.

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Brandie P
America Trends I

This episode of America Trends with host Aimee Fuller tells the story of 15-year-old Lindsey who went missing, leaving her parents wondering what had happened to her. At first, when Lindsay went missing, her mom assumed she was with a friend. She called around and asked everyone she knew if they had seen her daughter.

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Brandie P
Missing Children

Our organization, Saved in America, was formed as a way to counteract the growth of the human trafficking industry within America. It is a charitable organization that doesn't make a dime of profit and is made up of volunteers who have a background in either law enforcement or military specialties.

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Brandie P
JLSD Spotlight

Since 2017, the Junior League of San Diego or JLSD community has proudly partnered with our own Saved in America organization. This partnership was formed as a way to promote awareness by educating the community as well as understanding the way the industry has grown and continues to be a threat to virtually all children, nationwide.

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Brandie P

Emmeline, known to her parents and those who love her as simply Emmy, is an example of the type of victim that Saved in America frequently sees and is called to find. This girl has a history of running away and has a history of mental health issues, which led her to be placed in a group home for her safety. She ran away from her group home and was missing without a trace

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Brandie P
Recovering Children

This story posted by Macaroni Kid explains how Saved in America is actively working to recover missing children in the San Diego area, as well as throughout the United States. When a child goes missing, it is an “all hands on deck” situation, and when fourteen-year-old Emmeline goes missing, the state of panic that her parents felt was palpable by all those who came around offering help.

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Brandie P